Terms and Conditions of Anabolentopper.com

Welcome to Anabolentopper.com. These Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services offered on our website. By using our website, services and purchasing products, you agree to these terms and conditions.

1. Informational Purposes.

All information on our website is for informational purposes only and never replaces the advice or referrals of a licensed physician. Always consult a physician before purchasing or using any products.

2. No Liability

Anabolentopper.com is not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of products purchased on Anabolentopper.com. The use of products and / or services of Anabolentopper.com is entirely at the risk of the customer.

3. Responsibility of the Customer

The customer of Anabolentopper.com is solely responsible for how they use and purchase products and/or services from Anabolentopper.com. The products shown and offered on Anabolentopper.com are for research purposes only. The customer is expected to read the disclaimer and conditions before using the services, website or proceed to purchase products.

4. Shipping Information

The customer should at all times check carefully the address to which products should be shipped. We are not responsible for shipping the purchase if due to incorrectly entered address information the package is not delivered. If a shipment from us cannot be delivered due to incorrectly entered address information or is returned due to other reasons, unfortunately Anabolentopper.com cannot do anything, we do not provide a return address with our shipments for security reasons. Please contact the courier service for such cases.

5. Return Policy

CLICK HERE to view our return policy.

6. Minimum Age

The client meets the minimum age of 21 years old.

By using our website and purchasing our products, you confirm that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions.

For questions or more information, please contact us using the contact information on our website.
