Anabolics cure

anabolics cure

A course of anabolic steroids may sound like a panacea to some people, especially those who want to build a lot of muscle mass quickly. However, it is important to realize that success does not come naturally; intensive training and, above all, proper nutrition are essential. Without proper nutrition, your anabolic regimen will have little effect. On our page of examples of anabolic cures, you will find several steroid cures. It can be discouraging if your hard work is not rewarded, so make sure you are well informed or seek advice to choose the cure that best suits your goals.

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Buy Anabolics Cure

There are many different online shops where you can buy anabolics, but with us you can do it safely and securely via Bancontact, iDEAL, Bank Transfer, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Crypto, and more.

Unlike many other online shops, with us you don't have to go through complicated procedures before you can make your payment, you don't have to create a crypto wallet for bitcoin, you don't have to buy vouchers or gift cards, you can just pay via a few clicks easily. Of course, if you want to pay with Bitcoin or Monero then this is always possible too!

Our products are normally shipped within 48 hours on business days, we always try to inform you in time if there is a delay, or if products are unexpectedly out of stock. We will always work with you to find a solution.

We are a trusted webshop where customer service is highly valued. You can contact us for the following:

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  • Anabolics cure examples
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The ideal anabolics cure

Let's face it, the ideal anabolics regimen does not exist. Every body is different; there are many factors that go into determining the appropriate anabolics regimen.

  • Your age
  • Your training level
  • Your current physical
  • Your desired goals
  • Your physical health
  • Your mental health

The above points are some of the factors involved in choosing the appropriate anabolics to give you the dream body you have always wanted.

Many people are afraid of needles, especially in the beginning, people then like to start with an "orals only" regimen, meaning you only take anabolics in pill form. The big disadvantage of this is that these pills are very taxing on your liver, which is why we recommend limiting a pill-only regimen to 6-8 weeks. It is also very important to use liver support supplements such as TUDCA, Liv-52, or Liver Stack to ensure that your liver recovers quickly.

Then, if you do want to do a cure with injections, the golden rule is to always use testosterone in your cure as a base. Testosterone is a substance that is essential for your libido, mental well-being and supporting numerous processes within your body. Therefore, for the first course of injections, we recommend starting with tesosterone at a relatively low dose, so your body can get used to the higher dose of testosterone and you can get the most out of your products.

Do you already have some experience? Then you can consider introducing other products into your regimen according to your goal, do you want to bulk? Then you can consider adding Boldenone, Deca or NPP. Do you prefer to cut / dry train? Then you can introduce things like Masteron, Primobolan or Trenbolone.

Can't see the forest for the trees? Send us an email or a message on WhatsApp and we'll help you with customized spa advice with no obligation!


Anabolics cure tablets

Beginners Anabolics Cure Tablets

Winstrol Cure Schedule (tablets)

Winstrol is popular among users because of its ability to make muscles harder, fuller and bigger, while making you drier at the same time. It increases your metabolism and fat burning without causing fluid retention or gyno (male breast formation).


  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of winstrol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Supplies: 2 bags of winstrol and 1 bag of nolvadex.

Dianabol Cure Schedule (tablets)

Dianabol (Methandienone) is a very fast acting product used by many athletes long before the time of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Along with oxymetholone, it is one of the fastest-acting anabolic steroids on the market. Within days, your muscles will look fuller and larger, and you will already experience strength gains. It is mainly used in bulk cures to gain a lot of mass quickly.


  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of dianabol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Supplies: 2 bags of dianabol and 1 bag of nolvadex.

Anavar Cure Schedule (tablets)

Anavar is one of the mildest steroids on the market and perfect for beginners. It works similar to winstrol but focuses even more on fat burning. Anavar does not retain fluid and causes no mental side effects, making it popular with both men and women.

Schedule men:

  • Week 1-6: 60 mg anavar per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Schedule women:

  • Week 1-6: 10-20 mg anavar per day, split between morning and evening.
  • In women, an aftercare is not necessary, but we always recommend a blood test before and after the treatment to make sure that the hormone levels are stable again.

Men's requirements: 3 bags of anavar and 1 bag of nolvadex.
Women's requirements: 1 to 2 bags of anavar

Turinabol Cure Schedule (tablets)

Turinabol is a milder variant of Dianabol. Although it produces less mass, it also produces fewer mental side effects and retains less fluid. The muscle mass you gain is of high quality and retains well after the cure.


  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of turinabol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Supplies: 2 jars of turinabol and 1 jar of nolvadex.

Winstrol-Anavar Cure Schedule (tablets)

The combination of winstrol and anavar provides even more muscle hardness and definition. The strength gains are significant. This cure is often used in the summer to look dry and muscular.


  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of winstrol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 1-6: 50 mg anavar per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Supplies: 2 bags of winstrol, 2 jar bags and 1 bag of nolvadex.

Winstrol-Dianabol Cure Schedule (tablets)

This cure is for advanced users and is known as the "power stack" among anabolic cures. It offers unparalleled strength gains. The addition of winstrol reduces fluid retention and provides quality muscle gains. However, this cure is tough on the liver, so it is recommended to use liver support supplements such as Liv-52, TUDCA or Liver Stack.


  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of dianabol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 1-6: 50 mg of winstrol per day, split between morning, afternoon and evening.
  • Week 7-10: 20 mg of nolvadex per day.

Supplies: 2 bags of dianabol, 2 bags of winstrol and 1 bag of nolvadex.

Anabolics cure injections

Beginner's cure

Testosterone Cure

Week 1-12:

  • 250-500 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week, injecting once or twice a week
    We recommend injecting 2x a week (Monday and Thursday, for example) for the most stable blood values

    Starting with 250mg is more than enough for most people because a higher dose often gives more side effects and comparatively little extra result, but if you want to pop extra hard all at once you can start at 500mg.

Week 14-17:

For this regimen, you will need 2 vials of Testosterone Enanthate and 1 bag of Nolvadex.

Cure schedule 1

Week 1-12:

Week 1-10:

  • 400 mg Deca per week, injecting twice a week (Monday & Thursday)

Week 1-6:

Week 12-15:

For this regimen you will need 2 vials of Testosterone Enanthate, 2 vials of Deca, 2 bags of Dianabol or Oxymetholone, and 1 bag of Nolvadex.

Cure schedule 2

Week 1-10:

Week 1-10:

Week 1-6:

  • 50 mg of Dianabol or Winstrol per day, divided between morning, afternoon and evening

Week 12-15:

For this regimen you will need 2 vials of Testosterone Enanthate, 2 vials of Boldenone Undecylenate, 2 sachets of Dianabol or Winstrol, and 2 sachets of Nolvadex.

These sample cures can of course be supplemented with other remedies. If you are unsure about a cure, you can always email us or reach us on WhatsApp with your questions. We will be happy to give you advice.

Cure Schedule for Dry Mass

In our opinion, the combination of Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone and Boldenone is the best cure for building dry mass. Because you're injecting three agents, it's best to spread it out over two days in the week, say Monday and Thursday. Here is a sample schedule:

Week 1-10:

Week 1-10:

Week 1-8:

Week 12-15:

For this regimen, you will need 2 vials of Testosterone Enanthate, 2 vials of Boldenone Undecylenate, 2 vials of Trenbolone Enanthate, and 1 bag of Nolvadex.

Feel free to contact us for more information or personalized advice. We are ready to help you choose the right regimen for your goals.



Winstrol Inject



Anavar Tabs



Winstrol Tabs



Dianabol Tabs
