

Testosterone Enanthate was first developed in the 1950s. It quickly became one of the most popular forms of testosterone for medical applications and in the sports world. The long half-life of the enanthate ester allows for less frequent injections, increasing ease of use.

Effects of Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate works by increasing testosterone levels in the body. This leads to an increase in protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and red blood cell production. These effects promote muscle growth, recovery and strength gains. Effects usually begin within a few days of injection and can last up to several weeks, depending on the dosage.

Comparison of Testosterone Enanthate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Testosterone Enanthate has a longer half-life, requiring less frequent injections. This makes it more user-friendly than, for example, Testosterone Propionate, which requires more frequent injections. In terms of muscle mass and strength gains, it is comparable to other testosterone esters such as Cypionate, but less hepatotoxic than oral steroids such as Dianabol.


Testosterone Enanthate may interact with other medications, especially anticoagulants (blood thinners), corticosteroids and other hormonal therapies. It is important to consult a physician before combining it with other medications. When used in combination with other anabolic steroids, the risk of side effects may increase.

Sample cure

A typical course of Testosterone Enanthate may be as follows:

  • Week 1-10: 250-500 mg per week, divided into two injections (e.g. Monday and Thursday).
  • Post-cycle therapy (PCT) starts two weeks after the last injection and can consist of Clomid or Nolvadex for 4 weeks.

Positive effects of Testosterone Enanthate

  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Increased strength
  • Improved recovery after workouts
  • Increased libido and overall energy levels
  • Improved bone density

Side effects of Testosterone Enanthate

  • Acne and oily skin
  • Hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Water retention and gynecomastia
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Possible liver and kidney stress with long-term use

Medical advice

It is crucial to use Testosterone Enanthate only under the guidance of a physician. Regular blood tests are necessary to monitor hormone levels and health. Consult with a physician before starting a regimen, especially if you have underlying health problems or are taking other medications. Abruptly stopping use without proper post-cycle therapy can lead to hormonal imbalance and other health problems.


Testosterone Propionate was first developed in the 1930s and was one of the first synthetic testosterone esters to be marketed. It was originally used for medical purposes, such as treating low testosterone levels in men and other hormonal conditions.

Effects of Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate works by binding to androgen receptors in the body, leading to an increase in protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in muscle. This results in increased muscle mass, strength and recovery after intense workouts. Because of its short half-life, Testosterone Propionate must be injected more frequently, usually every two days.

Comparison of Testosterone Propionate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other testosterone esters such as Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate, Testosterone Propionate has a much shorter duration of action. This means users must administer injections more frequently, but it also offers a faster onset of action. In addition, it may cause less water retention, which is beneficial for those looking to build drier muscle mass.


Testosterone Propionate may interact with other medications and supplements. It is important to be careful with anticoagulants (blood thinners), insulin and oral antidiabetics. It may also enhance the effects of other anabolic steroids when used together.

Sample cure

A typical course of Testosterone Propionate can be formulated as follows:

  • Week 1-8: 100 mg Testosterone Propionate every other day.
  • Optional: An aromatase inhibitor such as Anastrozole can be used during the course of treatment to minimize estrogen-related side effects.
  • Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) usually begins 3 days after the last injection and may include Nolvadex or Clomid to restore natural testosterone production.

Positive effects of Testosterone Propionate

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Improved recovery after workouts
  • Increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Improved libido and sexual performance
  • Possibly less water retention compared to other testosterone esters

Side effects of Testosterone Propionate

  • Acne and oily skin
  • Increased hair growth or hair loss
  • Mood swings and aggression
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia
  • Testicular atrophy in long-term use without PCT

Medical advice

The use of Testosterone Propionate or other anabolic steroids should always be done under medical supervision. Improper use can lead to serious health problems, which is why it is crucial to seek advice from a physician before beginning a regimen. A doctor can also help monitor side effects and provide support in restoring natural hormone balance after the cure.


Testosterone Cypionate was first developed in the 1950s and has since become a widely used drug to treat hypogonadism, a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone. It has also since gained prominence in bodybuilding and other sports.

Effects of Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate works by increasing testosterone levels in the body. This hormone plays a crucial role in the development of male sexual characteristics and the maintenance of muscle mass. It also affects energy levels, libido and red blood cell production.

Comparison of Testosterone Cypionate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics, such as Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Cypionate has a longer half-life. This means it needs to be injected less often. It also has a relatively mild profile in terms of side effects compared to some other steroids, such as Trenbolone and Dianabol.


Testosterone Cypionate may interact with other drugs and substances. It can enhance the effects of blood thinners and affect blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetics. It is crucial to consult a physician before beginning a regimen to discuss potential interactions.

Sample cure

A typical beginner's course of Testosterone Cypionate may look like the following:

  • Week 1-10: 300-500 mg per week, divided into two injections
  • Post-cycle therapy (PCT) usually begins two weeks after the last injection and involves the use of drugs such as Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural testosterone production.

Positive effects of Testosterone Cypionate

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Improved recovery after training
  • Increased energy level and stamina
  • Improvement in mood and overall well-being
  • Increased libido

Side effects of Testosterone Cypionate

Although Testosterone Cypionate has many positive effects, there are also potential side effects:

  • Acne and oily skin
  • Hair loss
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Changes in cholesterol levels
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Potential liver toxicity with long-term use

Medical advice

The use of Testosterone Cypionate should always be done under medical supervision. It is important to have regular blood tests to monitor hormone levels and health. Individuals with a history of heart problems, liver disease or prostate cancer should take extra care and consult a physician before beginning a course of treatment. It is also essential to plan a well-thought-out post-cycle therapy to restore natural hormone production.


Trenbolone Acetate was originally developed in the 1960s for veterinary use to promote muscle growth and appetite in cattle. It later became popular among bodybuilders and athletes because of its powerful effects on muscle growth and fat loss.

Effects of Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone Acetate works by increasing the binding affinity for the androgen receptor, leading to an increase in protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This results in faster muscle growth, improved strength and increased metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat more efficiently.

Comparison of Trenbolone Acetate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics, such as testosterone and nandrolone, Trenbolone Acetate has a much stronger anabolic and androgenic effect. This means it is more effective in promoting muscle mass and strength, but it also carries a higher risk of side effects.


Trenbolone Acetate may interact with other medications and supplements, especially those that stress the liver and kidneys. It is not recommended to combine Trenbolone Acetate with other potent anabolic steroids without medical supervision.

Sample cure

A typical course of Trenbolone Acetate may consist of a dose of 50-100 mg every other day for 6-8 weeks. It is important to schedule post-cycle therapy (PCT) after use to restore natural hormone production.

Positive effects of Trenbolone Acetate

  • Rapid increase in muscle mass
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Improved fat burning
  • Faster recovery times
  • Increased vascular visibility

Side effects of Trenbolone Acetate

  • Skin problems such as acne
  • Hair loss
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver and kidney strain
  • Changes in mood and behavior
  • Decreased natural testosterone production
  • Night sweats and insomnia

Medical advice

The use of Trenbolone Acetate should always take place under strict medical supervision. This steroid is not suitable for beginners and should be used with caution due to its potentially serious side effects. Always consult a doctor or specialist before starting a regimen to ensure your health and well-being.


Trenbolone Enanthate was originally developed for veterinary use to improve appetite and muscle mass in cattle. It later became popular in the bodybuilding community because of its ability to quickly build muscle mass and strength. Although it was never officially approved for human use, it is often illegally obtained and used by athletes and bodybuilders.

Effects of Trenbolone Enanthate

Trenbolone Enanthate works by binding to the androgen receptor, leading to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This results in significant muscle growth and improved strength. It also increases red blood cell production, which improves oxygenation to the muscles and increases endurance.

Comparison of Trenbolone Enanthate vs. other anabolics

Trenbolone Enanthate is more potent than many other anabolics such as testosterone and nandrolone. It has a very high anabolic to androgenic ratio, which means it is more effective at building muscle mass and strength, but can also cause more side effects. Compared to other steroids such as Dianabol and Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone offers faster and more dramatic results, but with a higher risk of side effects.


Trenbolone Enanthate may interact with other drugs and supplements, especially those that affect liver and kidney function. Combining Trenbolone with other anabolic steroids may increase the risk of side effects. It is important to seek medical guidance before using Trenbolone Enanthate in combination with other agents.

Sample cure

A typical course of Trenbolone Enanthate may be as follows:

  • Week 1-10: Trenbolone Enanthate 200-400 mg per week
  • Week 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate 250-500 mg per week
  • Week 11-12: Post-cycle therapy (PCT) with Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural hormone production

Positive effects of Trenbolone Enanthate

  • Rapid and significant increase in muscle mass
  • Improved strength and endurance
  • Increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Reduced fat storage through increased fat burning
  • Increased production of red blood cells

Side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate

  • Hormonal imbalance and suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Acne and skin problems
  • Increased risk of hair loss
  • Negative effects on the cardiovascular system, such as high blood pressure
  • Psychological effects such as aggression, anxiety and insomnia
  • Potential liver and kidney damage

Medical advice

The use of Trenbolone Enanthate should always be done under strict medical supervision because of its potential side effects and health risks. It is essential to have regular blood tests to monitor the health of liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. Always consult with a physician before beginning the use of Trenbolone Enanthate, especially if you are taking other medications or have existing health problems.


Nandrolone Decanoate was first developed in the late 1950s by Organon. It quickly gained popularity for its powerful anabolic properties and relatively mild androgenic effects. During the 1960s and 1970s it was widely used in both medical and sports circles.

Effects of Nandrolone Decanoate

Nandrolone Decanoate works by stimulating protein synthesis in muscles, leading to an increase in muscle mass and strength. It also promotes the retention of nitrogen, an essential building block of muscle, and increases red blood cell production, which improves endurance.

Comparison of Nandrolone Decanoate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics, such as testosterone and trenbolone, Nandrolone Decanoate has lower androgenic activity, meaning it is less likely to cause androgenic side effects such as acne and hair loss. However, it does have a longer half-life, requiring less frequent injections.


Nandrolone Decanoate may interact with other medications, especially those that affect the liver. It may also affect blood thinners and diabetes medications. It is important to always consult a physician before combining it with other medications.

Sample cure

A typical course of Nandrolone Decanoate may look like the following:

Week 1-10: 400 mg Nandrolone Decanoate per week
Week 1-10: 500 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week
Post-cycle therapy (PCT) begins after two weeks from last injection

Positive effects of Nandrolone Decanoate

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Improved recovery after workouts
  • Increase in endurance
  • Improved joint and ligament health through increased collagen synthesis

Side effects of Nandrolone Decanoate

  • Water retention and bloating
  • Gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men)
  • Decreased endogenous testosterone production
  • Possible cardiovascular problems
  • Androgenic side effects such as acne and hair loss (albeit less than testosterone)

Medical advice

The use of Nandrolone Decanoate should always be done under medical supervision. It is important to have regular blood tests to monitor the health of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. Consultation with a physician is essential to minimize the risk of side effects and to create a personalized plan that meets individual health needs and goals.


Parabolan was originally developed by the French pharmaceutical company Negma in the late 1960s and was marketed until the late 1990s. It was originally used to treat cachexia (severe weight loss) and osteoporosis. Since then, it has become popular among bodybuilders and athletes because of its powerful muscle-building effects.

Effect of Parabolan

Parabolan works by increasing protein synthesis in the muscles and improving nitrogen retention. This results in faster muscle growth and recovery. In addition, it increases red blood cell production, which improves oxygen supply to the muscles and increases endurance. Parabolan also binds strongly to the androgen receptor, which promotes fat burning and helps maintain dry muscle mass.

Comparison of Parabolan vs. other anabolics

Parabolan is distinguished from other anabolics by its extremely potent effect and relatively long half-life. Compared to trenbolone acetate, another form of trenbolone, Parabolan offers a more stable release of the hormone, resulting in less frequent injections. Compared to testosterone, Parabolan is much more potent and has a stronger effect on both muscle mass and fat loss.


Parabolan may interact with other drugs, especially other steroids and supplements that affect hormone levels. It is not recommended to combine Parabolan with other anabolic steroids without medical supervision, as this can significantly increase the risk of side effects.

Sample cure

A typical Parabolan regimen for advanced users may look like the following:

  • Week 1-8: 200-400 mg Parabolan per week, divided into 2 injections.
  • Additional supplements such as HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and anti-estrogens to manage side effects.

Positive effects of Parabolan

  • Rapid increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Improved fat burning and maintenance of dry muscle mass
  • Increased red blood cell production and improved stamina

Side effects of Parabolan

  • Androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss and increased aggression
  • Cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol
  • Liver toxicity with long-term use
  • Reduced natural testosterone production
  • Psychological effects such as anxiety and insomnia

Medical advice

Use Parabolan only under strict medical supervision. It is essential to undergo regular medical checkups to monitor health and identify side effects early. Self-medication with Parabolan without medical supervision is strongly discouraged because of the potentially serious health risks. Always consult a physician before starting a regimen and ensure proper post-treatment to restore natural hormone balance.


Boldenone was originally developed in the 1950s by Ciba Pharmaceuticals. It was intended for use in veterinary medicine, primarily to improve appetite and muscle growth in cattle. Later, athletes and bodybuilders found it useful for their own purposes because of its anabolic properties and relatively mild side effects compared to other steroids.

Effects of Boldenone Undecylenate

Boldenone Undecylenate works by stimulating the anabolic effects of testosterone, such as protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This leads to an increase in muscle mass, strength and recovery. The undecylenate ester delays the release of boldenone into the bloodstream, resulting in a long-lasting effect and less frequent injections.

Comparison of Boldenone Undecylenate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Boldenone Undecylenate has moderate anabolic and low androgenic activity. It is less potent than steroids such as trenbolone or dianabol, but also has less severe side effects. It is often praised for its ability to build quality mass with less water retention and a lower risk of gynecomastia.


Boldenone Undecylenate may interact with other medications and supplements. It may enhance the action of anticoagulants (blood thinners) and affect blood lipid levels. It is important to consult a doctor before combining Boldenone Undecylenate with other drugs to avoid negative interactions.

Sample cure

A typical Boldenone Undecylenate regimen can last 10-12 weeks, with a dosage of 200-600 mg per week, depending on experience level and goals. It is often stacked with other steroids such as testosterone for enhanced results. A sample regimen may look like the following:

  • Week 1-12: 400 mg Boldenone Undecylenate per week
  • Week 1-12: 250 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week

Positive effects of Boldenone Undecylenate

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Enhanced nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Increased appetite
  • Less water retention and fat gain compared to other steroids
  • Improved endurance and recovery

Side effects of Boldenone Undecylenate

Although Boldenone Undecylenate is milder than many other steroids, it can still cause side effects, such as:

  • Acne and oily skin
  • Hair loss
  • Increased aggression and mood swings
  • Change in libido
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Increased red blood cell production, which can lead to hypertension

Medical advice

Using Boldenone Undecylenate without medical supervision can be dangerous. It is essential to consult a physician or specialist before starting a regimen, especially if you have underlying health problems or are taking other medications. Regular blood tests and monitoring are recommended to minimize possible side effects and health risks.

Masteron was first developed in the 1970s by the pharmaceutical company Syntex. Originally, it was used to treat breast cancer in women because of its ability to lower estrogen levels. Today, its use has declined in the medical community, but it remains popular in the bodybuilding community because of its unique effects on muscle hardness and definition.

Effect of Masteron Enanthate
Masteron Enanthate works by binding to androgen receptors, leading to an increase in protein synthesis and muscle building. It also has an anti-estrogenic effect, which helps reduce water retention and fat accumulation. This makes it an ideal steroid for use in the final stages of preparation for a bodybuilding contest, when muscle definition and a dry appearance are crucial.

Comparison of Masteron Enanthate vs. other anabolics
Compared to other anabolics such as testosterone or nandrolone, Masteron Enanthate has a milder effect on muscle growth, but offers significant benefits in terms of muscle hardness and definition. Unlike some other anabolics, Masteron has no significant water retention or aromatization, making it a cleaner choice for those preparing for competitions.

Masteron Enanthate may have interactions with other anabolic steroids and medications. It is often stacked with testosterone and other cutting steroids such as Trenbolone or Winstrol for maximum effect. Users should be careful when combining Masteron with other agents that affect estrogen levels to avoid hormonal imbalance.

Sample cure
A typical cure with Masteron Enanthate may look like the following:

  • Week 1-10: Masteron Enanthate 400 mg per week
  • Week 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg per week
  • Anti-estrogen (such as Arimidex) if needed

Positive effects of Masteron Enanthate

  • Improved muscle definition and hardness
  • Reduction of body fat
  • No significant water retention
  • Anti-estrogenic properties
  • Improved strength and endurance

Side effects of Masteron Enanthate

  • Androgenic side effects such as acne, hair loss and increased aggression
  • Possible negative effects on cholesterol levels
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Virilization in women (masculinization)

Medical Advice
The use of Masteron Enanthate should always be done under medical supervision. It is essential to have regular blood tests to monitor hormone levels and other health parameters. Users should be aware of the risks and side effects and consider whether the benefits outweigh the potential health risks. It is important to schedule post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore natural hormone production after a course of treatment.

Always consult a physician before starting to use anabolic steroids.


Masteron Propionate was first developed in the 1950s by Syntex Pharmaceuticals and was initially used to treat breast cancer in women. In the medical community, Masteron use has declined with the advent of newer treatments, but it remains popular among athletes and bodybuilders because of its unique properties.

Effects of Masteron Propionate

Masteron Propionate works by binding to androgen receptors, leading to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This helps maintain muscle mass during calorie restriction. In addition, Masteron inhibits aromatase enzymes, which reduces the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, preventing water retention and gynecomastia.

Comparison of Masteron Propionate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics such as testosterone and trenbolone, Masteron Propionate has lower androgenic activity and causes less water retention. This makes it ideal for use during the cut phase. However, it is less effective for mass building than some other steroids, making it especially popular among those striving for muscle definition and a drier look.


Masteron Propionate may have interactions with other anabolics and supplements. When stacked with other steroids, such as testosterone or trenbolone, it can enhance the effects. It is important to be careful when combining multiple agents to minimize possible side effects and reduce the overall burden on the liver.

Sample cure

A sample cure with Masteron Propionate could be:

  • Week 1-8: 100 mg Masteron Propionate every other day
  • Week 1-8: 100 mg Testosterone Propionate every other day

This is a typical cure for a cut phase, helping to maximize fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.

Positive effects of Masteron Propionate

  • Increased muscle definition and hardness
  • Reduction of body fat
  • Anti-estrogenic effect, which reduces gynecomastia and water retention
  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Fast results because of the propionate tester

Side effects of Masteron Propionate

Although Masteron Propionate is relatively mild, side effects can occur, including:

  • Acne and oily skin
  • Increased hair growth
  • Hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals
  • Increased aggression and mood swings
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Cardiovascular problems, such as elevated cholesterol levels

Medical advice

Using Masteron Propionate, like all anabolics, should be done with caution. It is important to seek medical advice before starting a regimen, especially if you have underlying health problems. Regular health checkups are essential to monitor and manage possible side effects. Self-medication and abuse of steroids can pose serious health risks.


Clomid was first introduced in the 1960s as a drug to treat fertility problems in women. It has since become a standard treatment for women with ovulation problems. In the sports world, Clomid later became popular because of its ability to stimulate natural testosterone production and block estrogen in men.

Effects of Clomid

Clomid works by blocking estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus. This leads to an increase in the release of gonadotropins such as LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which stimulate the testes to produce more testosterone. This helps restore natural hormonal balance after steroid treatment.

Comparison of Clomid vs. other aftertreatment agents

Clomid is often compared to other SERMs such as Nolvadex (tamoxifen) and aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex (anastrozole). Unlike Nolvadex, Clomid has slightly different effects and can have different side effects. Clomid directly increases LH and FSH levels, while Nolvadex primarily blocks estrogen receptors in breast tissue. Aromatase inhibitors work by blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which can be useful in preventing estrogen-related side effects.


Clomid may interact with other medications, especially those that affect hormonal balance and fertility. It is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and supplements. Clomid may also affect the effectiveness of other hormone therapies.

Sample cure

A typical Clomid regimen following an anabolic steroid cycle may look like the following:

  • Week 1: 100 mg per day
  • Week 2-3: 50 mg per day
  • Week 4: 25 mg per day

These dosages can vary depending on individual needs and the duration and intensity of the steroid regimen.

Positive effects of Clomid

  • Restores natural testosterone production
  • Increases fertility in women
  • Reduces estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia
  • Promotes muscle maintenance after steroid treatment
  • May improve mood and energy through increased testosterone levels

Side effects of Clomid

  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity or pain in the chest
  • Bloating
  • Heat surges

With long-term use or high doses, more serious side effects may occur, such as visual disturbances and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in women.

Medical advice

It is essential to use Clomid only under medical supervision, especially for off-label uses such as sports. Always consult with a physician before beginning a course of Clomid to determine the appropriate dosage and duration, and to discuss possible interactions and side effects. Self-medication can lead to serious health risks


Nolvadex was developed in the 1960s by ICI Pharmaceuticals and was initially used to treat breast cancer in women. Since then, it has been one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for hormone-sensitive breast cancers and has also found its way into the sports world for off-label use by bodybuilders.

Effects of Nolvadex

Nolvadex works by binding to estrogen receptors in breast tissue, blocking the effect of estrogen. In the context of bodybuilding, it helps prevent the negative effects of elevated estrogen levels, such as gynecomastia. In addition, it stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), leading to increased testosterone production.

Comparison of Nolvadex vs. other aftertreatment agents

Compared to other PCT drugs such as Clomid (clomiphene citrate) and aromatase inhibitors, Nolvadex is often the preferred choice because of its effectiveness in restoring testosterone production and minimizing estrogen-related side effects without completely suppressing estrogen levels.


Nolvadex may have interactions with other medications, including blood thinners and some chemotherapy drugs. It is important to inform your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking to avoid possible interactions.

Sample cure

A typical Nolvadex regimen for PCT may look like the following:

  • Week 1-2: 40 mg per day
  • Week 3-4: 20 mg per day
  • Week 5-6: 10 mg per day

This schedule may vary depending on the user's specific needs and the duration of the anabolic steroid cycle.

Positive effects of Nolvadex

  • Restores natural testosterone production
  • Prevents gynecomastia
  • Increases the production of LH and FSH
  • Improves the lipid profile
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Side effects of Nolvadex

Although Nolvadex is generally well tolerated, side effects may occur, including:

  • Hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Skin rash
  • Mood swings
  • Reduced libido

Medical advice

It is crucial to use Nolvadex only under the guidance of a medical professional, especially because of the possible interactions and side effects. Always consult a physician before beginning a Nolvadex regimen to determine the proper dosage and duration of treatment, as well as to avoid medical complications.


Arimidex was developed by AstraZeneca and received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in 1995 for the treatment of breast cancer. Since then, it has been used worldwide and has played an important role in the treatment of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

Effects of Arimidex

Arimidex works by blocking the enzyme aromatase, which is responsible for the conversion of androgens to estrogens in the body. By reducing the production of estrogens, Arimidex helps inhibit the growth of estrogen-dependent cancer cells.

Comparison of Arimidex vs. other SARMs

Although Arimidex itself is not a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM), it is sometimes compared to SARMs because of its role in modulating hormone levels. Unlike SARMs, which act directly on androgen receptors, Arimidex reduces estrogen levels by blocking the activity of aromatase.


Arimidex may interact with other medications, such as tamoxifen, estrogen supplements and some cholesterol medications. It is important to consult a doctor before combining Arimidex with other medications to avoid possible interactions.

Sample cure

A typical dosage of Arimidex for the treatment of breast cancer is 1 mg daily. For other uses, such as reducing estrogen levels in men, the dosage may vary and should be adjusted under medical supervision.

Positive effects of Arimidex

  • Reduction of estrogen levels
  • Support in the treatment of estrogen-dependent breast cancer
  • Prevention of gynecomastia in men using anabolic steroids

Side effects of Arimidex

  • Joint pain and stiffness
  • Osteoporosis and increased risk of bone fractures
  • Hot flashes
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting

Medical advice

Arimidex should be used only under medical supervision, especially because of its potential side effects and interactions with other medications. Patients should have their bone density checked regularly and report symptoms of side effects to their doctor. It is essential to consult a physician before beginning a course of Arimidex or if you have questions about its use in combination with other treatments.


Dianabol was first developed in the 1950s by Dr. John Ziegler and was marketed by the pharmaceutical company Ciba. It was intended to give American athletes an advantage over their Soviet counterparts, who were already using testosterone. Dianabol quickly became popular in the bodybuilding and strength-training communities because of its effective muscle-building properties.

Effects of Dianabol

Dianabol works by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles, leading to rapid increases in muscle mass and strength. It also increases red blood cell production, which improves oxygen transport and endurance. Users can experience significant muscle and strength gains within a short period of time.

Comparison of Dianabol vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Dianabol is known for its fast and powerful results. While steroids such as testosterone and trenbolone take longer to show effects, Dianabol can produce significant muscle growth within a few weeks. However, Dianabol also has a higher risk of side effects, especially with long-term use, compared to milder steroids such as Anavar or Winstrol.


Dianabol may interact with other medications and supplements. It is known to enhance the effects of anticoagulants (blood thinners), and it may interfere with insulin and oral antidiabetics. Taking hepatotoxic drugs at the same time as Dianabol may increase the risk of liver toxicity.

Sample cure

A typical Dianabol regimen may look like the following:

  • Week 1-4: 30-50 mg of Dianabol per day
  • Along with a testosterone injection such as testosterone enanthate (e.g., 500 mg per week) to support endogenous testosterone production
  • Post-cycle therapy (PCT) after treatment to restore natural hormone production

Positive effects of Dianabol

  • Rapid increase in muscle mass and strength
  • Enhanced protein synthesis and nitrogen retention
  • Increased red blood cell production and oxygen transport
  • Improved performance and endurance

Side effects of Dianabol

  • Liver toxicity and elevated liver enzymes
  • High blood pressure
  • Gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men)
  • Water retention and bloating
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Hair extensions and baldness in genetically susceptible individuals
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production

Medical advice

The use of Dianabol and other anabolic steroids should always be discussed with a medical professional. Improper use can lead to serious health problems, and medical supervision is essential to minimize the risks. Individuals with a history of liver problems, cardiovascular disease or hormonal disorders should take extra caution and consider using alternative methods for muscle building and performance enhancement.


Sustanon was first developed by Organon, a pharmaceutical company, in the 1970s. It was originally designed for medical use to treat testosterone deficiency in men. Because of its blend of esters, Sustanon provides both a rapid and sustained release of testosterone, which made it popular with medical professionals and athletes alike.

Effects of Sustanon

Sustanon works by slowly breaking down the esters of testosterone and gradually releasing the hormone into the bloodstream. This causes a steady increase in testosterone levels, leading to increased protein synthesis, enhanced nitrogen retention and increased red blood cell production. This results in enhanced muscle growth, strength and recovery after intense workouts.

Comparison of Sustanon vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Sustanon offers a unique blend of short and long esters, resulting in a prolonged release and less frequent injections. This makes it more practical than steroids with shorter esters, such as testosterone propionate, which require more frequent injections. In addition, Sustanon has a balanced profile of muscle building and side effects, which makes it popular with many users.


Sustanon may interact with other medications, especially anticoagulants and insulin. It is important to consult a physician before using Sustanon, especially if you are taking other medications. Alcohol and recreational drugs can also affect the effectiveness and safety of Sustanon.

Sample cure

A typical Sustanon regimen for beginners may look like the following:

  • Week 1-12: 250-500 mg Sustanon per week, divided into two injections.
  • Post-cycle therapy (PCT): Beginning two weeks after the last injection, use Clomid or Nolvadex, for example, to restore natural testosterone production.

Positive effects of Sustanon

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Improved recovery capacity
  • Increased libido and sexual performance
  • Improved mood and energy levels
  • Increase in red blood cell production

Side effects of Sustanon

  • Acne and skin irritations
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals
  • Water retention and swelling
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Potential liver and kidney burden with long-term use

Medical advice

Use Sustanon only under medical supervision and after thorough evaluation by a physician. Regular checks of blood pressure, cholesterol levels and liver function are recommended to monitor possible side effects. It is important to understand that abuse of anabolic steroids can pose serious health risks. Always consult a health professional before starting a regimen.


Clenbuterol was developed in the 1970s as a drug to treat asthma and other respiratory problems. It was never approved for use in humans in the United States, but is prescribed in some countries for veterinary purposes, especially in horses. Since the 1980s, it became popular as a performance-enhancing drug in the sports world, despite its banned status by many sports organizations.

Effect of Clenbuterol

Clenbuterol works by stimulating the beta-2 receptors in the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in body temperature and an acceleration of metabolism. This increases fat burning and helps maintain muscle mass. It also has an anabolic effect, although less pronounced than other anabolic agents.

Comparison of Clenbuterol vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics, Clenbuterol has a more specific effect aimed at burning fat and maintaining muscle mass, without the strong anabolic effects of steroids such as testosterone or nandrolone. Clenbuterol does not cause water retention and has less impact on hormone levels, but can have serious cardiovascular side effects.


Clenbuterol may interact with other stimulants, such as ephedrine or caffeine, which may increase the risk of side effects such as palpitations and high blood pressure. It can also reduce the effect of beta-blockers and increase the risk of muscle cramps when used with diuretics.

Sample cure

A typical Clenbuterol regimen may look like the following:

Week 1-2: Start with 20 mcg per day and gradually increase the dose to 60-80 mcg per day.
Week 3-4: Increase the dose to a maximum of 100-120 mcg per day, depending on tolerance.
Week 5-6: Decrease the dose to 40-60 mcg per day and then stop.

It is important to follow a two-week-on, two-week-off schedule to avoid habituation and maintain effectiveness.

Positive effects of Clenbuterol

  • Increased fat burning and weight loss
  • Maintaining muscle mass during a calorie-restricted diet
  • Improved cardiovascular capacity
  • Mild anabolic effect that can support muscle growth

Side effects of Clenbuterol

  • Palpitations and increased heart rate
  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Tremors (trembling)
  • Insomnia and nervousness
  • Overheating and sweating

Medical advice

The use of Clenbuterol outside of a medical context is strongly discouraged due to its potentially serious side effects and health risks. Always consult a physician before considering using Clenbuterol, especially if you have a history of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or other health problems. Never use Clenbuterol without medical supervision and consider alternative methods of fat loss and muscle maintenance that are safer and legal.


Proviron was first developed in the 1930s by the German pharmaceutical company Schering. Since then, it has been used for a variety of medical conditions, including hypogonadism (low testosterone production) and male infertility. In the sports world, Proviron is popular for its ability to improve muscle hardness and definition without significant water retention.

Effects of Proviron

Proviron works by binding to androgens in the body, leading to an increase in male secondary sex characteristics and improved muscle hardness. It also has anti-estrogenic effects, meaning it reduces estrogen in the body, making it effective in preventing gynecomastia and other estrogen-related side effects. Proviron also increases freely available testosterone levels by binding to the SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), resulting in more active testosterone in the body.

Comparison of Proviron vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Proviron has unique properties:

  • Anti-estrogenic effects: Unlike many other anabolics, Proviron has powerful anti-estrogenic effects, which helps reduce estrogen-related side effects.
  • No significant muscle mass gain: Proviron is less effective for building significant muscle mass compared to other steroids such as Dianabol or Trenbolone.
  • Improving sexual health: Proviron is often praised for its ability to improve libido and sexual performance, an effect less pronounced with other anabolics.


Proviron may interact with other medications and supplements. It is important to exercise caution when combining Proviron with other anabolic steroids, anti-estrogens, and medications for blood pressure or cholesterol. Always consult a physician before combining Proviron with other substances to avoid negative interactions.

Sample cure

A typical Proviron regimen may look like the following:

  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Dosage: 25-50 mg per day, spread throughout the day
  • Combinations: Often combined with other steroids such as Testosterone or Deca-Durabolin for enhanced effects

Positive effects of Proviron

  • Increased muscle hardness and definition
  • Reduced water retention
  • Improved libido and sexual performance
  • Reduced estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia
  • Increased mental clarity and overall well-being

Side effects of Proviron

Although Proviron is generally well tolerated, side effects may occur, such as:

  • Increased aggression
  • Skin problems such as acne
  • Increased risk of prostate problems
  • Reduced natural testosterone production with long-term use
  • Liver stress at high doses

Medical advice

The use of Proviron, like all anabolic steroids, should be carefully considered and supervised by a medical professional. Regular blood tests and health checks are essential to monitor and manage possible side effects. It is important to consider that abuse of Proviron can lead to serious health problems. Always consult a physician before beginning a Proviron regimen, especially if you have existing health problems or are taking other medications.


Primobolan was first developed in the 1960s by the pharmaceutical company Schering. It was originally used to treat muscle loss due to diseases such as HIV and cancer. Over the years, it has found its way into the sports and fitness world because of its ability to promote dry muscle mass and preserve muscle tissue during cut phases.

Effects of Primobolan

Primobolan works by increasing nitrogen retention in muscles, leading to a positive nitrogen balance and promoting muscle growth. It also mildly affects red blood cell production, which may contribute to improved oxygenation in the body. Primobolan has low androgenic activity and does not aromatize to estrogen, making it an attractive choice for those sensitive to estrogen-related side effects.

Comparison of Primobolan vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics, such as Dianabol or Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan has lower androgenic and estrogenic activity, making it less likely to cause side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. However, it is also less potent in terms of rapid muscle mass gains, making it a better choice for long-term, gradual improvement of physical without drastic side effects.


Primobolan may interact with other drugs and anabolics. It is important to be careful when stacking Primobolan with other substances, as this can increase the burden on the liver and exacerbate other side effects. Always consult a doctor or specialist before starting a combined regimen.

Sample cure

A typical Primobolan regimen for men may look like the following:

  • Week 1-10: 400-600 mg Primobolan per week (injectable)
  • Week 1-10: 50-100 mg daily (oral, if chosen for oral form)

A lower dose is recommended for women, such as 50-100 mg per week, to prevent virilization.

Positive effects of Primobolan

  • Promotion of dry muscle mass
  • Improved muscle hardness and definition
  • Maintain muscle tissue during cut phases
  • No significant water retention
  • Low androgenic side effects

Side effects of Primobolan

Although Primobolan is considered a mild anabolic, side effects such as:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Liver toxicity (especially in oral forms)
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production

Medical advice

Primobolan use should always be supervised by a qualified medical professional. Before starting a regimen, it is essential to undergo a complete health screening and regular check-ups during the regimen. Self-medication can pose serious health risks, so professional medical advice is crucial to ensure the safety and effectiveness of Primobolan use.


Oxymetholone was first developed in the 1960s by the pharmaceutical companies Syntex and Parke-Davis. It was initially used to treat conditions such as anemia and osteoporosis, and later to promote weight gain in malnourished patients. Since the discovery of its powerful anabolic properties, it has also found a place in the world of bodybuilding and sports.

Effects of Oxymetholone

Oxymetholone works by increasing the amount of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. This leads to better oxygenation of the muscles, resulting in increased muscle strength and endurance. It also promotes protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, which contributes to rapid muscle growth.

Comparison of Oxymetholone vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolics such as Dianabol or Winstrol, Oxymetholone is one of the most potent agents when it comes to muscle mass and strength gains. However, it also has a higher risk of side effects. While Dianabol is milder and causes less water retention, Oxymetholone is known for its fast and significant results, but with a greater risk of liver toxicity and hormonal imbalance.


Oxymetholone may interact with various drugs and supplements. It is important to exercise caution with blood thinners, antidiabetics, and other steroids, as Oxymetholone may potentiate the effects of these drugs. The use of hepatoprotective supplements is recommended to protect the liver.

Sample cure

A typical regimen of Oxymetholone usually lasts 4-6 weeks because of its potency and burden on the liver. A common dosage schedule is as follows:

  • Week 1-2: 25-50 mg per day
  • Week 3-4: 50-100 mg per day
  • Week 5-6: 100 mg daily (if well tolerated)

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential after a course of Oxymetholone to restore natural hormone levels.

Positive effects of Oxymetholone

  • Rapid and significant muscle mass gain
  • Improved muscle strength and endurance
  • Increased production of red blood cells
  • Faster recovery times between workouts

Side effects of Oxymetholone

  • Liver toxicity
  • Water retention and edema
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Hormonal imbalance (e.g., gynecomastia)
  • Acne and hair loss
  • Reduced natural testosterone production

Medical advice

Oxymetholone is a powerful anabolic steroid that can offer significant benefits, but its use should be done with caution. It is essential to seek medical advice before beginning a course of treatment, especially because of the potential for serious side effects. Regular medical checkups are recommended to monitor health, and use should always be under the supervision of a qualified physician.


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate was first developed in the late 1950s and was one of the first synthetic anabolic steroids commercially available. It was initially used for medical purposes, such as treating muscle loss, severe burns and certain forms of anemia. Over the years, it also found its way into the sports world because of its powerful anabolic effects.

Effects of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate works by binding to androgen receptors in muscle tissue, leading to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. This results in enhanced muscle mass and strength. In addition, NPP has a low tendency to aromatize (convert to estrogen), contributing to a more favorable side effect profile with less risk of estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia.

Comparison of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids such as testosterone, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has a stronger anabolic effect and a weaker androgenic effect. This means it is more effective in promoting muscle growth without the strong androgenic side effects such as hair loss and acne. Unlike its long-acting counterpart Nandrolone Decanoate, NPP has a shorter half-life, leading to faster results and better control over dosages and side effects.


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate may interact with other drugs and supplements. It may affect the action of anticoagulants (blood thinners) and should not be combined with other AAS without medical supervision due to the increased risk of side effects. Users should also exercise caution with hepatotoxic agents, as the liver may be put under additional strain from the use of anabolic steroids.

Sample cure

A typical Nandrolone Phenylpropionate regimen may be as follows:

Week 1-8: 100-200 mg Nandrolone Phenylpropionate every 3 days
Supplemental use of testosterone (such as Testosterone Propionate) may be necessary to support natural testosterone production.

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) with agents such as Clomid or Nolvadex to restore natural hormone balance after the cure.

Positive effects of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

  • Enhanced nitrogen retention and protein synthesis
  • Accelerated recovery after intense training
  • Improved collagen synthesis and joint health
  • Less water retention and lower risk of estrogen-related side effects compared to other anabolics

Side effects of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

  • Suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Potential cardiovascular problems such as elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  • Androgenic side effects such as hair loss and acne, although less frequent than with other anabolics
  • Possible liver burden, especially with long-term use
  • Risk of virilization in women, such as deepened voice and hair growth

Medical advice

The use of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate without medical supervision is strongly discouraged. The use of anabolic steroids can pose significant health risks, including hormonal imbalances and long-term organ damage. Before considering using NPP or any other anabolic steroid, it is essential to consult a medical professional. A physician can help determine appropriate dosages, assess the need for additional therapies and perform regular health checkups to identify and treat possible side effects early.


Winstrol was first developed in 1962 by Winthrop Laboratories. It was initially approved by the FDA for use in people with conditions such as angioedema and anemia. Over the years, it has become popular among athletes and bodybuilders because of its anabolic properties that help build dry muscle mass and improve athletic performance.

Effects of Winstrol

Winstrol works by stimulating protein synthesis in the body, leading to increased muscle building and strength. It binds to androgen receptors, which promotes the production of muscle tissue. In addition, Winstrol has an anti-aromatizing effect, meaning it does not convert to estrogen, reducing the risk of fluid retention and gynecomastia (development of breast tissue in men).

Comparison of Winstrol vs. other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol and Anadrol, Winstrol is known for its ability to promote leaner muscle mass without significant weight gain due to water retention. While Dianabol and Anadrol are often used for bulking, Winstrol is popular for cutting cycles. It also causes fewer estrogenic side effects compared to some other steroids.


Winstrol may interact with other medications and supplements. Using Winstrol together with anticoagulants (blood thinners) may increase the risk of bleeding. In addition, it may affect the effects of insulin and oral diabetes medications, which requires close monitoring. It is important to consult a physician before combining Winstrol with other medications.

Sample cure

A typical Winstrol regimen for men may look like the following:

  • Duration: 6-8 weeks
  • Dosage: 25-50 mg daily (oral) or 50 mg every other day (injectable)

For women, a lower dosage is often recommended, usually 5-10 mg per day, to minimize the risk of virilizing side effects.

Positive effects of Winstrol

  • Improved muscle definition and vascularity
  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Reduction of body fat
  • No estrogenic side effects such as fluid retention or gynecomastia
  • Suitable for both cutting and lean bulking cycles

Side effects of Winstrol

  • Liver toxicity, especially if taken orally
  • Increased cholesterol levels
  • Joint pain and dry joints
  • Skin problems such as acne
  • Hair loss in genetically susceptible individuals
  • Virilization in women (e.g., deepened voice, hair growth)

Medical advice

The use of Winstrol should always be under medical supervision. Because of the potential for serious side effects, such as liver toxicity and changes in cholesterol levels, it is essential to undergo regular medical monitoring during use. Persons with a history of liver problems, heart disease or hormonal disorders should take extra caution. Always consult a qualified physician before beginning a Winstrol regimen or other anabolic steroids.