
Masteron Enanthate, also known as Drostanolone Enanthate, is an anabolic steroid that originated in the 1950s. It was first developed by the pharmaceutical company Syntex, which initially marketed it under the brand name "Masteron." Originally, Masteron was primarily used to treat breast cancer in women because of its anti-estrogenic properties. Its ability to block estrogen made it particularly effective in inhibiting the growth of hormone-sensitive cancer cells.

In the years that followed, Masteron Enanthate began to gain popularity in the bodybuilding and fitness community. Bodybuilders appreciated it primarily for the way it could contribute to a dry, hard and defined appearance without the drawbacks of estrogen-related side effects such as water retention. Although Masteron is still in limited use in medicine today, it is best known for its role in the world of bodybuilding and performance enhancement.

Effects of Masteron Enanthate

Masteron Enanthate is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent androgenic hormone. The enanthate ester causes the active ingredient to be released slowly in the body, resulting in a longer half-life of about 7 to 10 days. This means less frequent injections are required compared to other anabolic steroids.

The action of Masteron Enanthate stems from its ability to bind to androgen receptors in the body, leading to increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention in the muscles. This process helps build dry muscle mass and promote fat loss. In addition, Masteron Enanthate has strong anti-estrogenic properties, meaning it can help reduce the effects of estrogen, such as water retention and gynecomastia. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes focused on getting a defined and hard physical appearance.

Comparison of Masteron Enanthate with other anabolics

Compared to other anabolic steroids, Masteron Enanthate has some unique properties that set it apart:

  • Masteron Enanthate vs. Testosterone Enanthate: While testosterone enanthate serves a general purpose in muscle building and strength gains, Masteron Enanthate is primarily used for its ability to improve muscle definition without water retention. Testosterone can lead to estrogen-related side effects, while Masteron counteracts them.

  • Masteron Enanthate vs. Trenbolone: Trenbolone is one of the strongest steroids on the market and offers dramatic gains in muscle mass and strength. However, Trenbolone also has a wide range of side effects, such as increased aggression and sleep disturbances. Masteron is milder in its effects, with fewer side effects, and is better suited for maintaining a dry and sharp appearance.

  • Masteron Enanthate vs. Winstrol: Winstrol is often used for a similar purpose as Masteron, namely to obtain a dry and defined body. However, Winstrol is known for its negative effects on joints and cholesterol levels. Masteron has less impact on these areas and is therefore considered safer for long-term use.


Masteron Enanthate may interact with other anabolic steroids and drugs, mainly because of its strong androgenic and anti-estrogenic properties. When used simultaneously with other steroids that cause estrogen-related side effects, such as Testosterone or Dianabol, Masteron may help reduce these side effects.

However, it is important to be careful when combining with other powerful androgens such as Trenbolone, as this can increase the likelihood of side effects such as aggression, hair loss and prostate problems. In addition, Masteron can reduce the effectiveness of certain blood pressure medications, so consulting with a doctor is essential if you are taking such medications.

Sample cure

A typical cure with Masteron Enanthate may look like the following:

Week 1-10:

  • 400 mg Masteron Enanthate per week, divided into two injections

Week 1-10:

  • 500 mg Testosterone Enanthate per week, divided into two injections

Week 12-15:

  • 20 mg of Nolvadex per day

This regimen is intended for dry mass and definition, and can be adjusted based on individual goals and experience. For beginners, it is often recommended to start with lower doses to monitor the body's reactions.

Positive effects of Masteron Enanthate

Masteron Enanthate offers several benefits, especially for athletes striving for a defined and aesthetic appearance:

  • Dry muscle mass: It helps gain muscle mass without excess fat or water, resulting in a dry and hard physique.
  • Increased muscle definition: Due to its anti-estrogenic properties, Masteron reduces water retention, contributing to sharper muscle definition.
  • Fat loss: Masteron promotes fat loss, especially when combined with a low-calorie diet and intense training.
  • Few estrogen-related side effects: Unlike many other anabolic steroids, Masteron does not cause gynecomastia or other estrogen-related side effects.

Negative effects of Masteron Enanthate

Although Masteron Enanthate is generally considered mild, there are some potential side effects that users should be aware of:

  • Androgenic side effects: This includes hair loss, acne and an increased risk of prostate problems, especially at higher doses.
  • Increased aggression: As with many androgens, the use of Masteron can lead to increased aggression or mood swings.
  • Suppression of natural testosterone production: As with other steroids, Masteron can suppress the natural production of testosterone, necessitating post-cycle therapy (PCT).
  • Increased cholesterol levels: Masteron can lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Medical Advice

The use of Masteron Enanthate should always be considered after consultation with a medical professional, especially if you have underlying health problems or are taking other medications. Regular health checks, including blood tests, are essential to monitor and manage the potential risks of steroid use.

Consult a physician before starting a regimen, and make sure you are knowledgeable about proper dosages and the need for post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore natural hormonal balance. Safe use begins with proper knowledge and medical guidance.


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